ABout Us
Jaime created Pup Country in 2019 by combining her lifelong passions for dogs, their behavior and the great outdoors.
She was raised in the forests of Sumas Mountain, surrounded by animals both domesticated and wild.
Being homeschooled allowed her time to pursue her animal passions with 4-H and wildlife rehabilitation while creating a deep respect for nature and it's creatures.
She has over 12 years of experience working professionally with dogs; Training animals for TV & Film, Dog Walking, Rescue, and Boarding.

Group Walk
Getting back in to nature with a small pack of selected social dogs for 1+ hour walks around Mission and the Fraser Valley (includes pickup & drop off).
$32 - $40
What we do
Pup Country offers outdoor adventures for your dog. A chance to socialize and explore off the beaten path.
Free consultation
Free pickup and drop off
Free towel down if wet / muddy
Free photo or video update
Our dog walkers are fully insured and DogSafe Canine First Aid Certified.
We use positive reinforcement to encourage good dog manners on and off the leash. We provide our own treats, but if your dog has specific dietary requirements please send some along.
Payments can be made by cash, and e-transfer
Please note:
Discount for additional dogs from the same household
Late Cancellation Fees may apply.